Information: Red wines made from the Negramoll, Almuneco, Castellana, Tintilla, Baboso and Batardo varieties grown mainly in volcanic soils and in the traditional way.
White wines: They are made using the varieties listan Blanco Bujariego, Albillo, Verdillo, cultivated in the traditional way, giving rise to wines characterised by their attractive colour, aroma and flavour.
Sweet Wines: These are "naturally sweet" wines made from the Malvasia, Sabro and Gual grape varieties. The grapes are left to over-ripen on the vines themselves, obtaining wines with great personality and unique in the world.
Product type: Local product
Social networking: Facebook
Address: Ctra. Gral. Las Manchas (San Nicolás), s/n, El Paso
Telephone: 922 494 155