GastroCanarias 2024 attendance form

By registering for this event, the selected exhibitor agrees to comply with the following criteria:

  • Product Stocking: The exhibitor undertakes to maintain an adequate level of stock of its products throughout the period of the event, thus guaranteeing availability for visitors.
  • Product Quality: The exhibitor guarantees the quality of its products and undertakes to exhibit only products that comply with the standards established by the competent authorities, as well as with the applicable rules and regulations.
  • Attendance Commitment: The exhibitor undertakes to actively participate in all the dates of the event, occupying the space assigned to him during the entire established timetable, except in exceptional circumstances duly justified and communicated in advance to the event organisers.

Failure to comply with any of these criteria may result in the exclusion of the exhibitor from the event, as well as the application of the relevant disciplinary measures as stipulated by the organisers".

Begin these commitments with a reference to the following general commitments as well as those specific to each event if selected.
In addition to the commitment to prepare a brief report of participation and experience in the event, the most important thing is to have the merchandise available, legally labelled and to make it available to the corresponding organisation in the place, time and manner determined in each case.
In the case of Chefs, they must submit in advance to V.B., the elaborations proposed for the tasting and commit themselves, within the availability of each moment, to the use of local raw materials.